This service’s virtual viewings, information, and material (collectively, “Content”) are shielded by copyright and other intellectual property laws. EVENTBOARD SL is the owner of the content. The only purpose of the Content is for you to use. You are not permitted to use the Content in any other way. You may interact with or download one copy of any part of the Content for your own use to help you decide whether or not to buy a car for your company (apart from virtual viewings, where you can only interact with this Content by viewing the Content through WhatsApp). No part of the Content may be reproduced, sold, published, distributed, altered, displayed, reposted, or used in any manner without the express written consent of IBIDMOTO
You understand that the Content contains trademarks of other information providers in addition to Ibidmoto’s trademarks and service marks, which are owned by IBIDMOTO and include and specific logotypes. You consent to not using, duplicating, or violating these service marks or trademarks in any other way. You also consent to not changing or removing any copyright, trademark, or other notice from copies of the Content. You are not permitted to link to the Service from your website without clear written permission from IBIDMOTO.